Thursday, December 20, 2012

Before I'm 30...18 months to go

1. Travel to Europe
-Still a desire
Update: Still a desire
2. Visit 3 new states
-Massachusetts done, Utah done, still looking for #3 this year
Update: Going to Florida in January, promised Elliot we would take him to Michigan this year too, need to talk with Ev about state #3 - maybe Maine?
3. Become conversational in another language
-Not even close
Update: Still not close
4. Start an organic/natural health and beauty company or some sort of nutrition/planning consultation
-Started, now whether or not to continue. Starting to think about independent consulting for life calling. Or becoming and LCAC
Update: started Megan Gilmore Coaching, received my LCAC and BCC, working on CPCC and ACC, had first independent speaking engagement and first independent workshop, restructuring Naturally Free, took on Director of Recovery Coaching position with NewDay
5. Become debt free except for student loans
-I realized Evan and I had 9 credit cards between us when we got married. We are now down to three. Hopefully, we'll be down to two by the end of the summer.
Update: Failing in this...ready to try again. Right now, we have balances on 5 credit cards and a furniture same-as-cash loan. Looking to increase our net worth in 2013 to $0 from -$14,000
6. Enroll in Ph.D. program
-Might be reassessing this. While intellectually I think it would be great. I believe I need some more life experience to take full advantage of this sort of degree program.
Update: Not interested in Ph.D. program any more, just continued learning in coaching, addictions, and leadership.
7. Have an in-home Bible study
-Started attending God's House and weekly Bible study with them instead. Still interested in developing relationships in an intentional way in our home.
Update: Now part of the GH admin team, hosting regular "meetings" in our home and having extended family over regularly. This feels satisfying for now. (Just bought our first home in July)
8. Pray every night with my husband and son
-Elliot is still going strong, Evan and I still need to make this a regular habit but we were just talking about how we wanted to be discussing intellectual pursuits more with each other too.
Update: Pray every night with Elliot that I put him to bed. Ev prays with him when he puts him to bed, developing the same habit with Isabella. Ev and I have determined our family values and are having pictures taken in January to illustrate them. We still need to focus on encouraging each other in our spiritual growth.
9. Maintain a healthy lifestyle of good diet and exercise (4x a wk)
-Did pretty well with this in the fall. Started being very intentional about it again this last week. Diet is good. Exercise needs work.
Update: failing here too...feeling the urge to become a runner and have fun with it. It would give me solitude, discipline, health, and freedom.
10. Establish an aggressive professional track or leave IWU
- Now coordinator of life coaching, but going to part-time in the fall. This is a confusing one. Not sure if it needs to stay or be altered.
Update: Done! :) MG Coaching and Director of Recovery Coaching (leading toward a residential addiction recovery center)

Monday, May 30, 2011

For the next month...

I am going to try to work out every day but Sunday. For the first week, I'll be doing C25K running, yoga, 100 pushup challenge, and 200 situp challenge.

Today - C25K app. D1W1 - 25 minutes, yogatic for beginners pt 1-3 - 20 minutes, D1W1 - 12 pushups, D1W1, 18 situps

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another six months closer...

Reassessing my goals again...
1. Travel to Europe
-Still a desire
2. Visit 3 new states
-Massachusetts done, Utah done, still looking for #3 this year
3. Become conversational in another language
-Not even close
4. Start an organic/natural health and beauty company or some sort of nutrition/planning consultation
-Started, now whether or not to continue. Starting to think about independent consulting for life calling. Or becoming and LCAC
5. Become debt free except for student loans
-I realized Evan and I had 9 credit cards between us when we got married. We are now down to three. Hopefully, we'll be down to two by the end of the summer.
6. Enroll in Ph.D. program
-Might be reassessing this. While intellectually I think it would be great. I believe I need some more life experience to take full advantage of this sort of degree program.
7. Have an in-home Bible study
-Started attending God's House and weekly Bible study with them instead. Still interested in developing relationships in an intentional way in our home.
8. Pray every night with my husband and son
-Elliot is still going strong, Evan and I still need to make this a regular habit but we were just talking about how we wanted to be discussing intellectual pursuits more with each other too.
9. Maintain a healthy lifestyle of good diet and exercise (4x a wk)
-Did pretty well with this in the fall. Started being very intentional about it again this last week. Diet is good. Exercise needs work.
10. Establish an aggressive professional track or leave IWU
- Now coordinator of life coaching, but going to part-time in the fall. This is a confusing one. Not sure if it needs to stay or be altered.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Before I'm 30...revisited's another year closer and here's what I think about my Before I'm 30 Bucket List

1. Travel to Europe 
We'll see about this one...still want to do it!2. Visit 3 new states
Visited Massachusetts this year, going to Utah in the spring. If we take a road trip instead of fly, this could definitely be accomplished!3. Become conversational in another language
Need to get started on this one.4. Start an organic/natural health and beauty company or some sort of nutrition/planning consultation
Did it!5. Become debt free except for student loans
Getting there. Should be done by this summer!6. Enroll in Ph.D. program
I might be crossing this one off my list. 7. Have an in-home Bible study
Not even thinking about it right now. We'll have to get our live in guests out first. :)8. Pray every night with my husband and son
This is an awesome thing to do with Elliot every night. Now Ev and I just need to nail it down for ourselves.9. Maintain a healthy lifestyle of good diet and exercise (4x a wk)
Not happening, but definitely closer than last year. I started running and have been trying to be very intentional about healthy nutrition for our family. We've had February and July Flab-Offs this year. And Ev has learned a lot about monitoring his own nutrition.10. Establish an aggressive professional track or leave IWU
I'm now the Coordinator for Life Coaching. I'm considering lots of other options too.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nike trainer

Before I'm 30

1. Travel to Europe
2. Visit 3 new states
3. Become conversational in another language
4. Start an organic/natural health and beauty company or some sort of nutrition/planning consultation
5. Become debt free except for student loans
6. Enroll in Ph.D. program
7. Have an in-home Bible study
8. Pray every night with my husband and son
9. Maintain a healthy lifestyle of good diet and exercise (4x a wk)
10. Establish an aggressive professional track or leave IWU